Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 1!!!!!!

Today I have had 2 scrambled eggs with cheese and a mini bagel with butter for breakfast. For lunch I had a romaine lettuce salad with baby carrots, cheese, and italian dressing. I'm feeling pretty good so far! I have my little brother's 16th birthday dinner tonight though and we're going to Joe's Crab favorite place to eat. We shall see how this goes. My very supportive friend, Audra, tells me that I can do it as a pesce-vegetarian and eat some seafood. Not so bad! I will update tomorrow!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Beginnings!!

I am attempting something new. For this week, I am going to try to be a vegetarian and if everything goes well, I may possibly be one for awhile! It seems like I have been getting very sick lately from pork and beef and I'm just very sick of it! I did a catering job with my husband and mother-in-law and I, being the glutton and stressed person that I am, had a HEAPING pile of pulled pork all throughout the day! By the time I got home, I was coughing and dry heaving so much that I threw up. This wasn't the first time this has happened before too. Its happened SEVERAL times and I'm extremely sick of being sick! This has got to end! I start tomorrow! I have got to get slimmed down for Miami and my cruise in August, which I am EXTREMELY excited for!!!!! My friends, THE DOWNINGS have enlightened me and I MUST do this for atleast one week! I can do it! I have faith in myself!