Sunday, January 10, 2010

School...loving it, and other rants and raves!

First off, I absolutely love Cosmetology school! I don't think that I have ever made a better decision in my life thus far, except for the decision to get married to my husband of course! We've already learned so much in this first week and I can't wait to learn everything else. My life will FINALLY be STABLE this year! Stewy will have his job probably by March and I will be out of school and in a salon, hopefully by October! There just isn't words to describe how happy and excited I am for this year! Its going to be SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOCIOUS! I have never been so happy to wake up before 6 am!

There's a 44 year old woman in my class. She's a great woman and she's beautiful just the way she is. She's got extremely long blonde hair and everyone, including the teacher, wanted to see her updated a little bit. Miss Margo gave her long layers and fringe. Then, Jordyn, curled her hair and Amber put her makeup on her. Total transformation. She looked absolutely GORGEOUS! She loved it so much that she started crying. I can't wait to make my clients feel like that. I want to make already beautiful people, FEEL beautiful! I took pics after her makeover was done, but I wish I could have gotten before pictures.
Okay. So, on to my rants and raves. I have been watching a lot of 'Teen Mom' lately and the more I see Farrah on there, the more mad I get about my own situation. I don't see how someone can be so irresponsible when they are blessed with such a little miracle. I want that SO bad! How can she say that she's a mother and a teenager, and teenagers are supposed to go out and have fun!? When you have that child, YOU are a MOTHER first! You took on the responsibility of having that child when you decided to spread your legs! I am sorry, but I get just a little bit bitter when I see awful parents in this world that could care less about their children and also, the one's who would rather be a friend to their child than a parent. You have GOT to be a parent first and a friend second otherwise your children aren't going to respect you! I know for a fact I would be a great Momma and I want it so badly! I know that God will give us one when He knows we are ready. But, I honestly think I am ready NOW! We're pretty much financially stable now and it will only get better from here on out.

When my parents were trying for a third baby, they were barely into their 30's and they couldn't do it. They were going to the doctor all of the time to get tested. Nothing was wrong with either of them, they just couldn't conceive. My mom got down on herself and down on God. That was one of the saddest times of my life. To this day, my dad doesn't know about this. My mom was starting to think that God doesn't control EVERYTHING. And I'm a huge believer in fate so this mad me upset. Well, anyway, she FINALLY realized that everything happens for a reason and everything was good again. I hope I will never be like that. Maybe since I already believed in fate at such a young age that I won't even think of that. I want a baby with my husband more than anything in this world, but I'm not going to give up on my beliefs in the process.

Oh! And, by the way, FRINGE is bangs, if you didn't already know that. We can't call it bangs anymore because in Europe it means your private parts and cosmetology is international so we have all of the same terms!!!


  1. Bridgey! I LOVED THIS entry so much! That is so awesome that you want to make people feel beautiful! & that is so touching about fate & your mother! God has the ultimate plan & you and Stewy will enjoy a baby & I can't wait to babysit!! haha & BAHAHAHA fringe is way better anyways!!

  2. YAY for loving life! :) and girrrrl cosmetology school sounds pretty dang legit! Audra's right, God does have an ultimate plan for you and your future family..just keep faith! :) DEFINITELY not sayinnn bangs anymore.. I don't want to be talkin about a vagine. noooo thankkyou! FRINGE IT IS.

    can't wait to hang with you..VERRRRY SOON :)

